Beautifully Cruel, a must-read dark romance from J.T. Geissinger is available now!

Alpha (noun):
1) Having the highest rank in a dominance hierarchy
2) The most powerful man in a group
3) Liam Black
He was a stranger to me, a dark and dangerous presence who materialized from the shadows one rainy night to save me from a vicious attack. I didn’t know his name or where he was from. All I knew was that the only place I’d ever felt safe was in his arms.
But safety is an illusion.
And not every savior is a hero.
And—as I’d soon find out—having an alpha save your life comes with a price.
Liam Black wanted something from me in return.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Beautifully Cruel is a stand-alone novel by J.T. Geissinger. There is a happy ending in the end and I gotta say, I finished the novel with a smile on my face. I wasn't expecting that considering the tone of the books J.T. Geissinger's books usually have, but there was something about this book that I really liked. The blurb covers up the plot very well and there is no need for me to add anything else.
The main characters are Liam and Tru. Tru's character is the best out of the two. She is fierce and doesn't let anyone treat her in a bad way. She goes for what she wants and I was very happy with her character. Liam is your almost typical alpha male. There were times where I wondered if he was too controlling and was acting in a way that could be harmful (emotionally, not physically) to Tru, although I was sure that she would have said something and as it turned out, when she was not ok with something, she was letting him know.
Beautifully cruel is set in the same world as Dangerous Beauty Series. It's not the only the common word in the titles that made me draw this conclusion, but also the presence of Killian. I might have thought of him as an annoying mosquito half the time I was reading the other series, but something about him drew me while reading this book and a simple search made me realize where I was remembering him from. After the events of BC I am expecting him to get a book and a happily ever after.
There is also one other character who was annoying but managed to survive and I have come to think of him as the Matt Donovan of the novel. I wonder if he will get a book. Tru's roommate had some moments when she made me wonder if she was going to be paired up with someone and I wonder if she will.
The end of the novel was not what I was imagining it would be which could have been a letdown if I hadn't felt that it was one of the best endings for these characters. Overall, I was very satisfied with the book and I would recommend it!
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I stare at him, incredulous. “Are you telling me you think this is a good idea?” “No.” “Then what?” “I don’t know. Maybe nothing.” His pause is loaded, and I know he’s carefully choosing his words. “But she was about to get shot—or worse—and she fought back. You saw it yourself. On the ground, outnumbered, beat up, gun in her face, she throws a punch instead of all the other things she could’ve done. Begging for mercy. Giving up. Crying.” He lets it hang there, knowing I have enough personal memories of men far stronger than she doing exactly that. “So she’s a fighter,” I say, aggravated, yanking on the knot on my tie because it suddenly feels like a noose. “That doesn’t make it right.” “Aye,” he agrees, nodding. “But maybe it makes it a little less wrong.” I glare out the window, muttering a curse. I can’t believe he’s saying this. Him, of all people. I expected him to be silently seething with disapproval, not taking her side. Not admiring her. “You’ve been alone a long time, Liam. If you were careful—” My temper breaks. I glare at him and thunder, “I won’t risk her life!” Declan’s expression doesn’t change. His grip stays loose on the steering wheel, his gaze doesn’t dart away in panic. He simply meets my eyes in the mirror and tells me a devastating truth. “You say that like you haven’t already.” I grit my teeth and look out the window, hating that he’s right. Hating myself for letting it get this far. I had a chance, when all I was doing was memorizing her profile while she poured me bad coffee. Before I knew the particular way she falls asleep. What her skin smells like after a shower. How her body feels pressed against mine. How deeply satisfying it feels to protect her. No, more than satisfying—fulfilling. As if it were the thing I was born to do. But I can’t undo what I’ve done. I can’t go back to that first day I saw her eleven months ago, helping an old woman cross a busy boulevard, stopping traffic by holding up her hand as the light turned from red to green. I can’t unfeel what I felt when she glanced up and our eyes met through the windshield for a moment before she turned her attention back to the old woman doddering by her side. She was beautiful, but I’ve seen a thousand beautiful girls. Never one who looked so fierce, though. With her jaw set and her mouth pinched and her brows drawn together, she looked like she’d rip the head off anyone who dared to honk his horn at the painfully slow progress she and her elderly friend were making. She was a lioness. Even without opening her mouth, I heard her roar. So yes, it was simple curiosity that made me tell Declan to pull over. Yes, it was on a whim that I watched her wave goodbye to the old woman when they reached the other side of the street. Yes, I fully admit it was foolish of me to follow her into Buddy’s Diner, and to sit in her section that first time. But it was sheer stupidity that I kept coming back. As long as I was out of the country, I could tell myself I wouldn’t see her again. I thought I had the strength to stay away. But as soon as I returned, the wanting rushed back. The pull to see those clear green eyes. The need to hear that lilting voice and see that shy smile and be near her, if only for a moment. Now, because I indulged myself, I’m well and truly fucked. Because need and want have turned into something more powerful. Something darker and far more perilous, for us both. So now I have two options. Option one: claim her. Option two: give her up. I can’t bring myself to do either.
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