Monday, April 29, 2019

Release Blitz: Lexi C Foss’ Angel Bonds

Today we have the release day blitz for Lexi C Foss’ Angel Bonds! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy of this sexy romance today!  


About Immortal Curse Series:

Author: Lexi C Foss

Genre: Paranormal Romance


Welcome to a world of cursed immortals, broken rules and eternal love…


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As with the previous boxset, I will review each book seperately. My average rating is 4 stars, since all three got a 4 star rating from me. 

                                  Elder Bonds

Elder Bonds is the fourth book in the series, but I would call it a filler. It's separated into parts and each one is different. We begin with detailed reports on practically every character we saw in the previous three books and later we get short stories. These stories were a way of getting to know the Elders mostly and filling some blanks since I don't think that they could have been added in the main story and seem natural. For example, we saw how the elders bonded, what happened when Amelia was kidnapped and what B did in Brazil. In this book, we also got to meet B's, future lady. He met her before and I was wondering why he kept sleeping with other women, but I got my answer and I found it fair, so I cannot dislike him for that. If I could describe her with a few words, I would say that she is the female version of B. The only sure thing is that their book will be filled with sex and having read other books by the author and their story, I would say that it won't be just the two of them, so remind me to skip it. Overall this is a light and fast read and a good way to get to know the secondary characters a little bit more. 

PS. The author gave us a treat by including some pictures in this book!

                                         Blood Bonds

I must admit that I skipped some parts of the book because I was running out of time. Mostly, I skipped the romance part I think, but I read the important stuff. It explained a lot of things and revealed details about some of the characters we had met before that we didn't know. Everything is not what it seems. I still cannot come to terms with that revelation about Stark though. One of the good things about this book is Caro and Sethios' relationship. I might have skipped some chapters, but I wanted them to be together and I really hope that the author will give them a happy ending. The book is not exactly a filler, but it also doesn't have to do anything with the main story. If you want you might read this one first and then continue with the rest of the series.

PS. Astasiya's name was explained and I cannot say that I was very happy because I can pronounce the original name, but the one her parents gave her is still an abomination in my mind.


                                         Angel Bonds

Angel Bonds is the 6th book in the Immortal curse series and what I believed to be the last. As it turns out, 3 more books will be released in the future, which explains why some characters did not a happy end in this book. You have Leela and B, Luc and Eliza, Alik is still alone and of course, let's not forget the secondary characters who made it out alive. With this book, a big chapter in the series closes and our characters did nothing but prepare for the big fight. I find a little ironic that I read the book the same week as Endgame and the third episode of Got were released. A lot of battles have been going on and a lot of stories are ending. Obviously, I cannot say much because unlike the previous two books, the plot of Angel Bonds is happening in the present timeline and big things happened. We finally found what Stas's role is supposed to be and how she and Isaac could have a future together. It's one of the best books in the series if not the best. Now, I wish that the author will stop teasing us about the elders and just give us their stories.


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About Angel Bonds:

Author: Lexi C Foss Genre: Paranormal Romance Death courts Astasiya Davenport at every turn.Dark fates lurk in the shadows of the night. And a prophecy looms unbidden on the horizon. With her future in shambles, she leans on Issac Wakefield for his love and support. They crave just one more moment together, one more night, until a massacre destroys everything in their path. Will their relationship perish in the embers of destruction, or will love persevere? Kingdoms will fall. New powers will emerge. And a Seraphim will rise from the ashes of despair. An immortal war is on the horizon. Death will reign. The endgame begins now.  

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Exclusive Excerpt:

“Don’t make me say goodbye yet.” He sounded so fractured that it tore her apart. She could deny him nothing. Especially when she desired the same. But one of these days, they’d have to be strong enough to walk away from each other. Because she refused to live in this world without Issac Wakefield. Today doesn’t have to be that day. Another week. Month. “We have to be careful,” she said, her fingers threading through his hair. “Far more careful than we’ve been.” He nodded. “Yes.” She nodded, too. “Not yet, then.” “Not yet,” he repeated, his shoulders relaxing while his grip remained firm. “Not yet.” He said the words several more times, sounding less and less sure with every breath. But Stas refused to hear the doubt creeping in, refused to acknowledge the sense of foreboding settling over her, and instead chose to live in the moment. With her Issac. Her love. Her always.


About Lexi C. Foss: Lexi C. Foss is an award winning and bestselling author of paranormal romance. She loves complex plots, twists and turns, and writing fantasy with strong, realistic elements. Many of her readers comment on how her worlds feel real, and she not-so-secretly wishes they were—at least some of them.
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